When you Start Server, Server Manage screen appear or you can click A-Tools Menu and choose Server Manager to view this screen.
In the bottom, you can see buttons: Add, Remove, Disconnect, backup
Add: Choose Excel files to share and set rights
Remove: Click Excel files shared and choose remove if you stop sharing
Backup: Backup files on server
On the left side, you can see list of tree view. Tree view database show list of folder (name folder in your hard disk) which be shared. In each folder is list excel files shared
On main screen, view detail when you choose on the left side. With database, main screen view list name file, path
When click list view of excel files or sheets on left side, on main screen you can see sheets, ranges. Sheets: A-Tools add automatically, and Ranges: You can click Add or Remove(on the botton of side). In this creen, you can set rights for connecting such as: Check, Approve, limit number of client using, use VBA...
Email to support: vuducthinh.uct@gmail.com

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